First of all let me thank the girl for allowing me to photograph her, these are the sailent eco- warriors i would tell which keep saving the earth from the waste that we create every day.....
Yesterday was womens day, Now, what womens day has to do with going green. I may be worng but following points are definitely worth considering:
1. Majority of the rag pickers are women in a very small age group
2. The waste management in any household is a womens affair
3. Women hold a key to majority of buying decisions from vegetables, groccery etc.
Thus if even a 1% part of our womens polulation decide to reduce their solid waste by even 50% imagine the impact it would have on the environment, economy and society.
And there are number of way in which this targated solid waste can be reduced:
1. Composting kitchen waste into manure
2. Segregating plastic waste and bundling them separately
3. Reducing use of plastic bags for shoping, instead opting for paper bags
These are only few, but definitely actionable...
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