Sunday, March 15, 2009

Democracy - Your choice to have a clean city or not

Dear Reader,
A Muncipal Corporation maintains the city through taxes. Logically tax for x service, make that service better, but when a clean city is demanded by the residents - it becomes imperative to ask does the corporation collect tax for cleanliness, better environment, clean streets, clean roads etc and even if in some case it may collect then whether it is sufficient for the city or not.
It is reported that India recycles 60% of its plastic, which may be a wonder to you - eventhough this figure would be reducing every day as we use plastic more and more, we hardly see a complete parallel municipal corporation running along our streets which are responsible for recycling majority of this plastic. This municipal corporation does not depend on our taxes, but is a self sustained enterprise (no matter how we see them), a far more gracious process. This corporation is made of rag pickers, radiwalas, recyclers etc, whose bread and butter is depended on our waste. The entire thing is well evident, but we barely ackknowledge it.
On the other side, the funds spend by the exisitng municipal corporation on "Clean City, Green City" hordings if diverted to more productive use may actually make our city atleast bit more greener.
As democracy give every citizen a right to select their leader, democracy also gives you the right to select the process which would be in a better position to keep your city clean and green.
So can we make a choice - A self sustained process or a tax dependent system to keep our city clean and green

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